Owls-Eye View |
What a Hoot!
I love this cake, in case you didn't notice Mia's favorite color is orange. The ombre effect is so popular right now, so I incorporated it into the sides. It was a special cake which was made gluten-free and dairy free. The buttercream was made with shortening, coconut milk and clear butter flavor. The cake is a vanilla cake from Bob's Red Mill selection. It turned out delicious and very light I was very impressed. I always like to make a mini cake for tasting.
Toasting Marshmallows with her Bestie |
Love this digger dog |
Mia has two pups in her home one is the yellow lab making his own marshmallow and the other one is a unique breed called a Malinois (Belgian Shepherd~ Look him up he's stunning). I wanted to respect his breed, so I simply made him a digger which I have been told is his number one favorite thing to do.
My favorite element on this cake is the tent and Mia. the tent is a RKT smothered in white chocolate and covered in fondant, talk about a sugar rush, YIKES! I discovered during this cake if I freeze all my molded fondant before popping them out they are so easy to remove from molds. Duh, thanks "Amazing Wedding Cakes" show for a friendly reminder about this hint. Truth be told my daughter-in-law Kristi told me about freezing fondant when using my Cricut cake machine, but I didn't even think to connect this method for all my molds. The best part about freezing a fondant piece is that when it condensates it is perfect for applying to cakes because it's sticky.
The trees I make are from a smoothie straw I cover with fondant and texture to look like bark. Then I stuff a hunk of fondant in a sugar cone then I stuff the bark straw into it. This will keep it from jiggling around when you transport or move the cake. These really need several days for all the chunky fondant to dry hard but they are pretty forgiving once they are delivered. I love to use a straw because I can put a heavier dowel straight into the cake and slide the bark straw right over the dowel for increased stability. I haven't lost a tree yet. I simply pipe tree leaves in layers on the sugar cone and Voila!